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    Tracy, my dear, I feel for you. I have been fortunate, in that my husband returned pretty whole. Maybe it's…
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  • I've heard this from other people, but my experiences with the Naval Hospital have been far superior to commercial medical.…
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  • The least likely is that he is an honest federalist, and believe that the government should stay out of people's…
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  • I've been to Colorado Springs and I can't even imagine an anti-war protest happening there at all. I'm sure it's…
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  • Why does Bush's popularity keep falling without creating a corresponding increase in the popularity of Democrats? Because people remember how…
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  • I think if there's a lesson here, it's that brazen truth-telling has a place in politics. Hackett was amazingly successful.…
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  • Well, I cannot forget that they covered the reproduction of Picasso's "Guernica" at the UN, so that Colin Powell could…
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  • Our leader is a snotty-nosed little bully. It is just so unbelievable that the American people see this man as…
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  • Of course, recess appointments are nothing new; they are specifically accounted for in Article II of the Constitution. This was…
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  • When Bush seized the presidency in 2000, my first thought was, "Great, now we're gonna end up back in Iraq!"…
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  • I don't know who the birkenstock nazis are. The major proponents of deregulation I"m familiar with are Cheney's pals who…
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  • Um.... the problem in CA was DE-regulation. I believe in regulation. And it was proved quite unequivocally, that despite Mr.…
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  • You must not have been around for the enronization of California's energy industry. This was a preemptive taste of what…
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  • Having lived through the California energy crisis, I hate to tell you how little measures, like energy efficient appliances and…
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  • I can't think of a more fitting place for it. Couldn't they just leave it there?
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  • Jujistu and Judo! Damn girl, you even picked the good martial arts. None of that Take Your Dough crap for…
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  • Not a family, a village. Families can be completely fucked up. Here, we have a "normal" heterosexual family unit. Yes,…
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  • My husband needs the computer, so I'll be brief. We could certainly argue about semantics all day, and that is…
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  • Or let me quote from two books I have right next to me: The Chomsky Reader and Howard Zinn's A…
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  • Dean is NOT pro-life. Read any of his statements in context, on this. His words have been repeatedly twisted to…
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