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      From a regular person perspective, this entire Islamic extremist situation seems to be one of convenience used by both…
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  •   Thanks for explaining that so well. It's a good example of what has become acceptable in too many areas.…
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  •   I've also come to the point that issues like the wiretap revelation don't do much good. It's still going…
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  •   Another realistic possibility is that it's leaked and written that way precisely to be damaging to a longtime ally…
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  •   Never would have thought to discuss it but have seen most of it referenced in other places individually. I…
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  •   You want to start the count of people, including me, who never would have known or thought to discuss…
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  •   I didn't get signed out and no doubled comment count totals but both have happened before. Does anyone else…
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  •   It looks like the power still goes to the business/govt alliance even when the result might be a criminal…
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  •   Hell, the US does that all the time.
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  •   Just my opinion but I'd say the multinational private/govt consortium of interests that brought us the adventures in Iraq…
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  •   How can that lack of accountability be possible? Does the cabal have that much power over everyone else?
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  • Talk about ironic coincidences. Abramoff(active film producer) was linked to A/Q financing through a man named Salah...so was Norquist and…
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  •   If you have a chance to read the entire article, it's worth a few minutes time. It's a real…
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  •   There are some deceptive practices going on that look to possibly undermine the green efforts to reduce energy dependency.…
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  •   Take it all in context and it sounds like a bad career decision for Busey.   One thing I…
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  • Slander, libel, and incitement to violence are not protected speech, even in America.  You are in good company when you…
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  • I'm going to dig up some reviews on this to learn more. Valley of the Wolves: Iraq ... In the…
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  •   Maybe Larry posted and forgot to log back out as Susan. 😀
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  • The one thing I am sure of is that these difficult and conflicting issues will always split the left whenever…
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  •   Approving DPW is a deal already in the works and it looks like Frist will be one of the…
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