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      They don't even try to be subtle about it anymore. A piece on MSNBC that reported on the closed…
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  • Great work. It's all right here and anything I thought of to add as I was reading, you incorporated later…
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  • grrrrr@no edit I meant peaceful protest to show support, not violent protest intended but it does raise the issue of…
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  • Here's a question or two to consider. If we had a mass demonstration of peaceful intent that was organized to…
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  • But that's the problem with operation by deception with no accountability. There's no way to prove that one group is…
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  •   Dudley Doright has been sent to a foreign country through extraordinary rendition....hang in there Little Nell. When I heard…
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  •   All the great ideas from millions of us have gone unheard so far. We're all just ignoring the same…
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  • Another blog is not the answer. It just builds a bigger matrix. If we can't be an effective force for…
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  •   I foresee a barren wastelenad when the rabbithole is exited. The blog world is slowly morphing into the same…
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  •   To add to the previous comment, this isn't a reflection on you soj. I've followed and admired your work…
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  •   It's time to boycott the internet. Hit 'em all where they care the most...the pockets.
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  •   I understand your point but and this applies to all information distribution.   The only way to pursue an…
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  •   Maybe I should substitute herd for society from now on?
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  • Has this already been brought up? White House to give House committee information on spy program WASHINGTON - The White…
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  •   This rabbit hole is getting deeper. Hey, is that a cat up in that tree?   The only way…
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  •   Hey, we hit on all 14 points. We have a winner! Or a loser. You summed up my disillusionment…
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  • This is what answers.com has for it The program's title, probably unintentionally, is an adulterated reference to prisoner argo for…
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  • The basics of it is that the intel agencies are above the law, can run a shadow government and there's…
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  •   How about when the words that are said provoke the reaction damn, now I really hate that fucker as…
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  • I don't mind disagreeing and a difference of opinion can increase respect so that's not a problem.   The ways…
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