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    Can we offer you a poolside cocktail instead? Umbrellas are NOT optional...they keep our noses from getting sunburned while drinking!
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  • One case of Almond Roca...wrapped in pink ribbons...for the person or persons unknown stickering pink stuff on the SUV. ......Judicial…
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  • When I first heard the news about DHS Boyle I've been kind of numb. Punishment for staying home sick I…
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  • It's finally sunny for an hour or so here in Northern CA. I didn't want to come back to work…
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  • and I went ahead and post this link on C&J Yahoo! The more the merrier!
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  • Just sent this out to the SF Kossacks Yahoo list! Woo Hoo... I'm in for at least $20 of flowers...as…
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  • We really need to find ways to mobilize behind leaders like Feingold. To say we hear him and support him.…
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  • Thanks for this reminder of how our world was and the great leaders we've had...and lost. Great tribute.
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  • . Been a really long day and still not caught up...and office politics are on a role (or is that…
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  • I'll need to go back to the research material tonight. IIRC there is a direct result that says that ALL…
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  • . tee hee hee
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  • since it is the way the RWCM and their ilk talk. Getting rid of NCLB and it's testing and related…
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  • Pootie pic earlier for another newbie and you get the Puppy pic.... Welcome to the pond...find a pad and make…
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  • We even provide Pootie Pics...usually in the cafe or lounge... Welcome to the pond!
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  • Not quite happy hour here...but I thought I'd show what the real meetup looked like! With apologies to Manee and…
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  • If they win...we'll definitely hear from you! tee hee hee!
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  • Economic wedge issue is so true... Economics and education came up in the meetup in SoCal and is what prompted…
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  • Talking Point What about parents that are more concerned about the academic testing scores under NCLB and want the non-English…
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  • Most of the funding in CA has been cut for these programs so drastically that they really don't exist for…
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