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    Well - I finally came down from the energy high of the weekend and made it to work this morning.…
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  • Meeting other Tribbers is the best thing in the world...! I live less than an hour from Babaloo, Kamakhya, and…
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  • and I'll hold you to another meet-up...I seem to recall something about a morning walk and coffee! A really great…
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  • Flight delayed for a while today due to rain in SF...got to hang out in the San Diego sun for…
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  • Hanging out eating the yummy danish and fruit that Aloha has provided for breakfast! Talking and unwinding a bit before…
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  • No M&M's...only dark Chocolate with the White Port...oh and my favorites - Afrika cookies!  Oh...amazing stuff here. Hearts are truly…
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  • A few of us are hanging at Aloha's this morning...fresh fruit and danish! She is the most awesome of hostess'!…
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  • One big family or community sometime in another dimension or time!
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  • We all feel like we've known each other forever....
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  • Goes best with dark chocolates...so I guess I'll make a quick dash to get some with the coffee I'm bringing.…
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  • Sometimes though it is easier to plan getting away from several days than it is for 3 or 4 hours!…
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  • . Hopefully this will be a short meeting...then home and pack...then a Rusty Nail...for moi'! That last lounge filled up…
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  • These pictures are the few that make me really homesick for the mountain states. I miss the area from Moab…
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  • Well here's a nifty idea of what to do with the empties!
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  • . Thinking about partying with the other BooTribber's...and still have 2 hours of meetings to go...aaaaacccckkk! So drinks are poolside...although…
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  • WTF do they think they are planning? A return to forced labor camps from Nazi Germany? A feudal / serfdom…
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  • from the voices of leaders like Chief Seattle. Perhaps we will find many colors among the faces that march for…
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  • What Kahli said.... I couldn't have said it better. False security is just that - false. If we do not…
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  • Something I read some time ago and bookmarked seems so appropriate here... Being Indian is an attitude, a state of…
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  • Too many clothes! LOL Too many is my usual style...but oh well! I just sent a logisitcs email to the…
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