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    Newly single people get to buy the drinks...and get the rest of us drunk and rowdy! 😉
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  • I probably have a picture / pitcher(?) of most! tee hee hee
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  • I couldn't find the umbrellas to go in the drinks so we have flowers instead!
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  • is usually the way I'm described.... Self-contained...just like Kiluaea!
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  • Baileys & Coffee with a chocolate liquer swirl!
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  • It sure beats the one that most people have when they first meet me! Then again this group know me…
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  • now I'm going to need to update the blog! Great list...I also hotlisted the story so I can double check…
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  • I got the phone message but haven't been home the last 2 nights before 9pm....so I'll call tonight. Work hasn't…
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  • Oh yeah - the very best kind!
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  • My favorite strawberry daiquiri's - virgin or otherwise - are made with french vanilla ice cream. Yummy - strawberry milkshake…
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  • 7 day forecast...partly cloudy to sunny...66-70 degrees by next Thursday...with a warming trend. Not too late to get airline tickets...and…
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  • With that name - you must have been hanging out at C&J or over in my diary! I love the…
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  • Drinks by the beach....party is on! Since it is still daylight and sunny here in CA I'm serving drinks by…
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  • After today they get to go back and think about our answers and story and decide. California has a law…
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  • Being reasonably 'experienced' in my younger days (during the early 1970's) I'll jump right in...! When it came to sex…
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  • sitting around listening to my boss do a dog and pony show. Then they get to decide whether they want…
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  • I was sitting with a bunch of CPA partners this morning for 3+ hours so I'm brain dead! Early happy…
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  • Okay - back from my meetings....good fun - NOT! Since everyone has been taking naps...and I'm sitting being bored...here's a…
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  • oh my....a hot guy, long hair, politics, and pot... Do I dare ask whether you were early enough for the…
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