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    I don't know if I can transport habanero plants on the plane...but we'll see.... And we should be able to…
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  • I'm thinking Mexican food for lunch...but then again this CA girl will eat mexican food 4 or 5 meals a…
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  • Since I'm working my butt off on 2006.... I'll worry about 2008 in January of 2007...or prepare to retire to…
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  • Close races are always the toughest to lose... I was there with a candidate in 2004...1/2 of a percent...but still…
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  • I wonder why Alito didn't participate though?
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  • Unabashedly copied in part from Sunfell's diary at DailyKos Sunfell's Diary Cecilia Fire Thunder, president of the Oglala Sioux Tribe…
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  • Enrolled Agents - like H & R Block may be able to under that theory. Other thought - scarier -…
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  • These can be used at Eat4Today and by anyone that is feeling a little out of it today... Me -…
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  • On my way out of here in a few minutes...a couple of errands...and then scotch! Time to let Booman know…
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  • He didn't like cod liver oil...maybe the olive oil will work. He does like it when I give him chicken…
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  • My kitty has a major itch on his back (by his tail)...no fleas just kind of dry skin. Any ideas…
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  • I'll have to skip the cocktails currently. Meeting with the boss at 3ish...but he's in a good mood so what…
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  • Yup - got that one pegged....and watching out for the ones getting in the way of progressive politics!
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  • Permalink | 3 comments | Post A Comment | Autorefresh   Comments: _Expand _Shrink _Hide _(Always)  | _Indented _Flat _(Always)…
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  • They might refer to me as an 'alley cat' but it probably wouldn't be a flattering reference! My local Dems…
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  • to "Code Pink in Portland"
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  • Recommended and commented...you go girl!
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  • I've been called some of the following - Pot stirrer Pain the butt Thorn in the side Malcontent Political novice…
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  • Google isn't nearly as cooperative with NSA as Yahoo.... ...AND maybe FBI guys don't want NSA reading their email either!
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