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    Watch the spaces in the email address...it was still early here on the left coast when I emailed...and I almost…
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  • Best Blog (non-pro):          Talking Points Memo Best Blog Community:       Booman Tribune Best Group…
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  • We sinning, sunning, bad Californians have too much rain...praying isn't going to do it...sin will!
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  • I'm 50 and HATE the dentist! Sensitive teeth and some dentists are just clueless... Big super duper hugs for your…
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  • I've brought a wrap around ice pack for FM...something I've learned from several friends that suffer from migraine... Pootie Pic…
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  • Voted....I hope he gets the money!
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  • faded jeans and fleece tops...or sleeveless or long sleeve rashguards and sandals or sneakers depending on the time of year.…
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  • Making a fresh cup of french roast here in my office... Staring at reports that are making me slightly crazy...…
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  • Most excellent D.J.! Getting you out of red CA was the best thing that could have happened! I miss you…
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  • Get several really good friends (that know at least half of your secrets!), add one bottle of cognac or two…
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  • I also like Katsina which means Warrior Maiden and is the same as the Kachina dolls.... Native American: LEOTIE: flower…
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  • Hmmm....I take a day off to play in the garden and missed the birthday party! sulks....no cake for me....sulks.... Glad…
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  • Mine is nicknamed "Little Twit" - 'cause he is usually just a little pain...mostly sweet...but
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  • Busy day today.... The boss is out of town, my pain in the butt assistant is home sick, weather is…
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  • I'll email home and work #'s....no cell phone....gave that thing away a couple of jobs ago!  insert giant happy face…
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  • I'll celebrate with flowers inside on my altar and light candles for peace and healing instead of outside. Rainy and…
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  • Airline confirmed for 11:30ish arrival...on 3/31 4 door mid-size (Taurus size) car confirmed for all weekend...until noon on 4/2 for…
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  • Another Froggy joins us! Yippee!
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  • Good for you scribe! I'm quietly putting my financial house in tighter order to get through and still be here…
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  • Will be listening to Janet shortly...here's some more pink. DJ is really super sweet in person and intense in her…
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