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    Gorgeous bookcases! I love home improvement projects...except plumbing. Spouse has more power tools than the contractor that lives next door…
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  • It worked well for one of them for a while - he had one wife in Winter Quarters Missouri and…
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  • I'll put on something pink tonight while you are on th air! Aaackkk - it will clash with my green...oh…
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  • As two of my great grandfathers were both polygamists there is actually an interesting history to the practice. Polygamy was…
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  • I guess I'll have to cry in my green beer later that I won't meet you in Sedona... Or maybe…
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  • I'm 50% Irish....I have no choice - either Irish coffee or Baileys & Coffee! One family was from Belfast and…
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  • After 5???? Have you ever spent St Patrick's day in downtown SF? Baileys or Irish coffee for breakfast and green…
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  • Enjoy the hiking...avoid the wingnuts...and bring back lots of blue dot pictures! I'm thinking Tuscon and Sedona next February/March...hmmm...maybe we…
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  • Happy St. Patrick's Day! A little Irish coffee to start the day...yummy! Cold and damp in Northern CA...so a little…
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  • When I do my friends tax returns I feel I should charge them something...and money isn't the issue... So I…
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  • Colin Firth....yummmy! Jim Morrison as an alternate!
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  • Will you settle for 15 year old scotch? Drop by the house - just got a MacCallan 21...afraid to open…
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  • with grateful appreciation to the dKos C&J crew
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  • Not quite as cool as Tom Delay calling us terrorists at the orange place when we contributed to his opponent…
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  • if you need to pull on clothes before going out! ;^D
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  • Gee I thought that was one of me....my black cat used to sleep about the same place between my ankles...…
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  • McCaffery is just a really cool writer....
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