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    Where do they find these people? There must be a database of the worst and the Rethugs think they are…
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  • Guess I'll have to sleep on the computer since I'm supposed to be working! Actually having a productive afternoon...go figure!
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  • I'm also a big Anne McCaffrey fan and her dragon tales... My first cat - many years ago was a…
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  • I had a couple that like to snuggle under my hair and suck on my neck (hickeys from a kitten!)…
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  • Select "cowboy" of your own choice Memo to the Feds: This is a cartoon, only a cartoon, and no threat…
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  • There is something reassuring in their computer illiteracy though. I'm less concerned about terrorists from outside than I am from…
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  • mmmm....chocolate chip cookies... Back to work and feeling pretty good today...should make it all day! Trying to focus on this…
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  • If we can get the midwest and southern bloggers to feed information to us on the coasts we can give…
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  • at least in places like CA... A lot of us were the working class poor that worked our way to…
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  • He's in the neighboring district so we are all going to help boot him out. A 20-30 minute drive across…
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  • and everyone else in San Diego. I think you and Shirl kept me coming back here early on... Haven't really…
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  • My candidate for District Attorney is running unopposed - yippee! As a campaign player for the last 5 months life…
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  • Slightly edited...first posted March 29, 2005 - egads that was a long time ago! I'm a happily middle aged woman…
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  • Natl Weather Service Roads over the passes should be clear this weekend...check out the link to National Weather Service. Cal…
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  • We're getting all of our winter rain in March instead of January....aaacckkk! Although the Tahoe ski crowd is really happy!…
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  • Made it to work Wednesday...found a nice corner to hide in! Trying to get some work done...then sneak off home…
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  • Fewer headaches that way.... Mine finally broke the last time sometime in 2003-04 and I gave up on fixing it.…
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  • I missed a day and half home with head cold and missed all of this... I'm starting to avoid all…
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  • Listening to the pundits yesterday about Iran was more of the same as Bolton. It is disheartening to hear more…
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  • Quick birthday wishes....no hugs since I'm still sick... I'll try to drop by later but will probably go back home…
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