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    Put the diary out there and I will be there with you the entire time they are up. I'm out…
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  • Sign up here http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SanFranciscoKossacks/ You'll need a yahoo email...SF Kossacks...well most of the group post at dKos, My Left Wing,…
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  • I buy them to help a really nice co-workers daughter and then put them out for staff and office visitors.…
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  • Can't get into Man Eegee's site...which really pisses me off...
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  • Appetizers are ALL mine! Off to spend an evening with some cross-over folks...some SF Kossacks and some My Left Wing…
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  • An important network I'm there under another name...with money, transportation, safe places, and lots of contacts for the whatever maybe…
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  • Last year when I posted my first diary on just(???) domestic violence I was terrified. A total basket case and…
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  • Posting our stories are important...and we need to do more...these are public places and, yes this is the choir. I…
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  • There are so many men and women like you...and you are all courageous beyond belief. Each of us that breaks…
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  • The stories this week have been very emotional. Sometimes in the scheme of things we overlook the ones that love…
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  • We really do like our guys - so you and the others here are truly safe.... We just don't like…
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  • [ [ Begin Rant ] ] The assholes are going to take away our rights to abortions and are going…
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  • On blogs, in public forums, in email, on the telephone, in my home this weekend at the cost of friends…
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  • Making some fresh coffee - lots of work and really want a nap. Coming down with the office head cold....yucko.…
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  • Never ending vigilance and love from 5 caring children that have children of their own. Hugs for the courage to…
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  • Re: Effective Counter Attack; Consideration or Implosion? I would also proffer....different paths to the same place. Non-violence - well since…
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  • for missing the frist comment...and geez we must have hung around Atrios too much to know all that...!
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  • So here I am with a wee bit of insominia (just an hour or so) and I'm cruising the blogs....and…
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  • I'm still amazed that I've been at the top of the rec list for like 12+ hours....totally overwhelmed.... Yet -…
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