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    A very good friend's partner has MS. He spends a substantial amount of his time in pain and is confined…
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  • Thanks for taking the time to read - all of us at Buyblue.org appreciate the continuing support of the blogosphere.
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  • Looks like a great place - and restful. I'm tired of winter but peaceful places are never tiresome!
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  • Still a little weak and queasy from this 4 day stomach flu but back at work... Lots to do to…
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  • Ordered my meet-up t-shirt and Village Blue coffee mug! Looking forward to meeting everyone!
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  • Nope no training in questions... I've just been a reluctant peacemaker in management meetings over the past umpteen years. Too…
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  • and become a sound machine for the Democratic Party - is that what the blogs are here for? Or are…
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  • It started in a diary yesterday here: From a Political Novice; A Question and is being continued today here: "A…
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  • If we can get this coordinated with other sites - perhaps initially My Left Wing and MyDD - can a…
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  • I absolutely agree. I think that is why these diaries are helpful...we are thinking about each step along the way…
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  • Changed it a little to 'our' press coverage! Absolutely great idea. Is it possible that this is where we could…
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  • I think this is a great idea and that it would make a big splash to take out some of…
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  • Let's do some coordination on a separate diary for the corporate money. If you want to email we can put…
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  • Rather than fighting over the party ideals, here's an idea for these diaries: democrat = little d = grass roots…
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  • We have splinter groups of splinter groups on the far left of progressive ideas here in my county. How do…
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  • Because of the blogs a lot of us sent money to Salazar in Colorado, Hackett in Ohio, and other places…
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  • Agreed....we need to focus on what we are fighting for and how to get there. Can we come up with…
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  • * A general "call-out" from the blog leaders to all progressive candidates who wish to run. An organized campaign to…
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  • I couldn't vote - politically my week was a less intense than yours but since I have the flu -…
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  • For all that have been participating in this diary it is terrific to read such thoughtful comments. I think we…
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