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    A great conversation was started and I agree with sbj that it needs to be continued. For those that have…
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  • The comment posted from the Washington Dem didn't say how she was the democratic ally or friend either. Defensive response…
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  • I agree that there are lots of places where voting for the lesser of two evils is the only answer.…
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  • One dollar at a time... I'm on the board a Buy Blue and we are working to get retail consumers…
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  • For the past 25-30 years I have voted to support the lesser of two evils at the national level only.…
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  • Excellent work - and I bookmarked your blogspot. I agree with the processes that you have outlined here. And from…
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  • There are a lot of us here that agree with the premise that we need to look at candidates individually…
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  • Just dropping by to wish everyone a Blessed Imbolc - the festival of lights and the time of fertility and…
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  • http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/2/1/11825/56847#18 This diary has a link to the American Family vote for president survey (below) http://www.afa.net/petitions/nextpresident/TakeSurvey.asp I voted for John…
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  • I've been about to give up entirely...based on the SOTU, the pundits, and the Dems wussy response. About to stop…
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  • Wow! The John Adams quote just summed up so well what was the intent of this diary. It's late here…
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  • Request denied - STFU Diary, With A Twist - keep talking, keep ranting, keep sending ideas out here. If we…
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  • Been meaning to tell you that....kept forgetting this week! I can't imagine what distracted me...
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  • where there is no tv...and having lots of wine! You always help me keep things in perspective...or not!
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  • up a mess is is to toss everything into one big pile and sort it out at once. So let's…
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  • Ralph Nader was a jerk and screwed everybody including his own ego. He claimed the 'independent' party one year...well he…
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  • She regularly needs to be pushed to support the base - but takes it well. Southern Sonoma County is edging…
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  • You said that so perfectly - sums up the situation in short succinct terms!
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  • I have abstained at the local level usually - if I didn't feel I knew enough about the candidates. Since…
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