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    Thanks for that info...I'll be at a couple of meetings in the next week with some local Dem party people…
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  • Have at it - I know there a lots of us thinking the same thing: neither party represents me so…
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  • I have no conflict with the concept - depending on the area. California de-regulated energy and the state got screwed…
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  • Malcolm X was one of the inspirations to me just after high school. Thanks for reminding me of his fight.…
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  • How does that work for the primaries? IIRC we are still closed primaries (I'm checking tomorrow). So how do you…
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  • I'll be around for a little while - but I'm off to a conference on educational bond funding today. You…
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  • I don't care what party frog marches them out. Last campaign cycle I worked for a registered Republican for a…
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  • If you want really woodsy and rural or any place along the 'sea to sky' highway north of Vancouver, BC.…
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  • in our Take Back Red CA group. I'll get more info on Jerry McNerney. He ran against him in '04…
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  • When the spouse retires we'll have a reasonable pension income and we haven't decided where we want to live. If…
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  • Lots of us are ready and have been for a long time. Here in the west my husband and I…
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  • I will definitely be saying thank you to Senators Boxer and Feinstein and to Kerry and Kennedy. It will be…
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  • I have loyally fought for Dem's for 25 years...including the Feinstein's out there. I've supported Reid and Salazar...and Kerry even…
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  • A party that stands for "we the people" values of life, liberty, and justice for all....
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  • I'm going to get a stack of voter reg forms...and just before the deadline I'll decide where I want to…
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  • And wholeheartedly agreed... Love and hugs right back at you BostonJoe!
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  • There are lots of us our here....and it will be interesting the next time we meet. We are mostly middle…
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  • I'll copy the letter and send a slightly modified version to those Senator's that I've donated money to in the…
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  • I want to buy a piece of property - not to rural (just outside of a medium town, with an…
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  • I'm currently in a spending mood! I promise to keep it small in keeping with your campaign goals for netroots…
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