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    Growing up in the Rocky Mountains (Utah mostly, plus some Colorado and Wyoming areas) I miss the mountains in the…
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  • I'd love for us to get to meet at some point. I'm up in Marin but will be getting out…
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  • See you for dinner when you get up this way in a couple of weeks...
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  • Actively boycotting all things Markos. Will he care? No. Will my integrity care? Yes. The reasons are pretty straightforward to…
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  • I've been involved in some big groups and you are right - movement is not an issue. In smaller groups…
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  • That is an absolutely marvellous way of describing the feelings. May I use that in future postings and conversations? I…
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  • I'm not going away....I'm just taking a substantially more vocal and active role in politics... Some people have noted transition…
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  • Wow....what I miss sometimes... They mean by BooSwarm is that we are somehow organized so that if I get into…
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  • This is actually what I had in mind when I first wrote the diary. Agressive women vs confident men. Agression…
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  • It's important that 'they' attack those single issue people... [snark I guess congratulations are in order for Booman! You've made…
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  • I was going to keep my little blogspot non-political.....but maybe I'll try to keep my rants to a minimum.... www.mtncerridwen.blogspot.com…
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  • Laughing because I posted a comment about diversity...somebody objected and rated it a 1. (The Kid Oakland 'response to amen'…
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  • Actually I learned political action from my Mom and she lives in a suburb of Salt Lake City...an area that…
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  • The idea here is that ALL attitudes or words or actions that treat any of us with less than full…
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  • Lots of us were pissed on November 3rd. Lots of us decided to do something...fight fire with fire...come see what…
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  • If I recall you are in Austin....check out the info at DFA in your area...I just googled DFA, Austin It…
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  • when I remember to use it.... :^(
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  • I live in Marin County CA - we vote >65% dem and had an >80% turn out of registered democrats…
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  • I'm currently active trying to get a progressive elected for a state assembly seat. The 'preferred' candidate by a lot…
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  • How do we go about changing the current culture? Speaking out, not putting a lid on things...these help but we…
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