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    Thanks for the post to prior diaries... I just discovered Our Word last week...I'll check them out tonight at home.
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  • Going to be swamped at work all week and next week...will check the crystal ball to see how you all…
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  • Posted another one... She's getting rattled...she "doesn't like our type"  ;^D I'm off to email the link to some groups...…
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  • I keep posting ...are you willing for you children to be drafted and fight this war.... My mantra for the…
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  • We'll see how long I can throw them out there... Chickenhawk for dinner anyone?  tee hee hee.......
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  • DJ ~ did you give her a piece of your mind too? I was polite and vicious at the same…
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  • ...okay send this out to everyone we know... Make her shut off the comments section to her whole blog...
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  • Not so obscure to many of us oldsters here...
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  • South End of Ass**le Going to Hell
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  • We are about 10 miles north of Mt Lassen park entrance on the north side... Quiet...we used to do some…
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  • I only get away on long weekends right now...but you're all invited in for cool evening by the fire and…
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  • Found this picture for the cafe hosts...off to work some more...big deadlines this week...
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  • Hugs and love and peace to you and your family
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  • With Vacaville / Fairfield being very red I understand their focus. KTVU is sort of strange in what it reports.…
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  • whimper ~ whimper ~ whimper.....
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  • I tried to email to your link and it bounced...did I miss something...
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  • Come on outside and play Booman ~ there's a rope swing over the swimming hole....and a homemade raft across the…
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  • I voted other... Until late September I like to spend weekends in the sun... But maybe for us Northern Hemisphere…
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  • Once upon a time....my story was told at DailyKos...today the links are down for archived diaries.. "Church condones child abuse"…
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  • I am late to this diary, having found it through ghostdancers' story. Whatever the reasons, whatever the church, abuse is…
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