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    Hey Bonddad....what are you trying to do - confuse us with reason and logic? BTW I totally agree with you.…
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  • Welcome back....saw you over on dKos.... Recommended reading - "Never Again the Burning Times" Great read on witch burnings and…
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  • No hurry...they have my name and number at work. For the Boo Tribbers that missed earlier stuff....I'm always around the…
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  • Thanks for bringing this over here too! You are such a better spokesman that me! BTW at the campus where…
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  • It will be cozy at my little house but if you ever need to evacuate - come on down to…
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  • I've been reading at Village Blue every day...my heart hasn't been up to commenting. This week I'll be going back…
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  • Lots of hugs and love as you walk with them in the light Janet! The darkness is scary...children are afraid…
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  • I'm taking the following.... -Photos of my family - mom, dad, brother, sisters. Husband, kid and grand-kidlets. -Photo of my…
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  • Oh I do like that one Diane! Snatched for the blog and comment collection!  ;-D
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  • It's been a soul-searching 2 weeks for me...and I've got things in better perspective. So in keeping with a sad…
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  • It has been since the pie wars that I've read or listened to anything Kos has to say. Haven't and…
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  • SF Kossacks are going to be meeting at Gordon Biersch brewery at 6pm... for more info check out here... http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SanFranciscoKossacks/…
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  • Ask questions if you want...I'll answer if I can...since Damnit Janet brought this up in the earlier diary... On behalf…
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  • I'll do some more checking....my current solution is to buy very limited quantities of chocolate - and then buy imported.…
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  • Gee all this time it was cooked chicken - moist little morsels - from my dinner plate....that the cat isn't…
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  • Even with canned food twice a day and kibble my silly cat just likes 'different water'. The puddle from the…
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  • Weed definition (gardener's dictionary) = any unwanted and/or untended plant in the garden. You'd be amazed at the beautiful thistles…
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  • Mobilized forces are swift and efficient...and they don't need much notice. I remember watching the evacuation, the rescues, and rapid…
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  • Why do cat's drink from whatever is handy and not the fresh water bowl? No answer required....rhetorical.... Will drop 4's…
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  • The racial divide was placed explicitly in the world's face after Katrina. It's always been there under the surface. The…
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