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    For DemFest 2005! We're looking forward to hobnobbing with all our bloggy friends who are coming to Austin for DemocracyFest…
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  • So hard to choose, isn't it? The idiot act is so well-honed, you can almost fall into his trap of…
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  • Of course! Well, as another Texan mentioned in another diary somewhere, every time you write to Hutchison and Cornyn, you'll…
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  • Just plugging the door prizes we'll be offering to bloggers who visit the AustinKossacks table at Demfest, June 17-19 in…
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  • Already married, to a great guy, but in the same-sex alternative universe, guess it'd hafta be Maui.
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  • This is like the "Freedom Fries" guy admitting that he now realizes we went to war under false pretenses, and…
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  • It must be infuriating, Susan, but maybe a revote would result in a butt-kicking that would eliminate any doubt about…
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  • Bush in manacles at the Hague. (Oh, yeah, also Rumsfeld, Rove, Wolfowitz, Rice, Cheney, Perle, Feith, who am I forgetting?)
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  • This, plus the Bolton nomination, all part of the plan to crush the UN.  Evil people.
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  • For all of you who are coming to Austin for Democracyfest 2005, please plan to join the Austin Kossacks at…
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  • Well, there are lots of us already here-- and we'd like to welcome the rest of you to Our Fair…
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  • It's a blog with a clever name-- started by four of the Atrios commenters: Holden, Pie, Athenae, and Tena. They…
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  • If you've never been to www.first-draft.com, you've missed Holden's Obsession with the Gaggle, a daily take-down of Li'l Scottie and…
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  • Remember, folks, if you're coming to Austin in June for Democracyfest 2005, we're having a special Bloggers Caucus, organized by…
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  • Hi, Janet Strange, this is very important information--please consider posting it at DailyKos, too.
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  • Come meet newly minted celebrity Janet Strange at the Bloggers Caucus at Demfest 2005-- June 17-19 in Austin!
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  • At least for three days in June, that is. Sign up for Demfest 2005, and join us Austin Kossacks for…
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  • At least for three days in June, that is. Sign up for Demfest 2005, and join us Austin Kossacks for…
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  • If you're going to Austin, Texas, be sure to wear some (green) flowers in your hair . . . Democracy…
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