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    Janet, I'm not sure if it's just my computer, but both photos overlay large chunks of text (and I don't…
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  • Live blogging has begun-- Austin is hoppin' full o' liberals!
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  • I feel as though we are in the belly of the Beast of the Apocalypse. Is there no end to…
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  • "Though Thomas enthusiastically supports the war, he says he'll reevaluate his position after the regime change. "If Bush tries to…
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  • Yosemite Sam-- that's perfect! Blustering, raging out of control, and a fool.  Great summation as always, Newsie.
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  • Because that denial has made it much more difficult for our system to work the way the framers intended.  I…
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  • My heart is fluttering. We'll be reporting on this weekend in copious detail, no doubt.
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  • In what alternate universe would you find writing like this at a right-wing blog?
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  • I thought you would post with your preferred term for those who frequent the Frog Pond-- BooTribbles!
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  • Booman, thank you for responding so promptly to my worried e-mail about the site.  (I'm guessing there were many others…
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  • in The Hague! Let's see, Chimperator, Rummy, Wolfie, Condi, Powell, Frist, DeLay, oh yeah, Cheney, who else am I forgetting?
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  • Let's stop quibbling, and start Tribbling!  For all who will be at Demfest 2005, please be sure to drop by…
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  • And that's forgetting to bring a dish to the pot luck!
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  • Thanks for featuring 1 Corinthians 13, PD-- the older I get, the more I understand the challenge it sets out…
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  • Committee to Enforce Some Sex = CESS They can throw CESS pool parties!
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  • I've had the pleasure of meeting Tim-- with young, savvy, enthusiastic staffers like him, Chris Bell is obviously building a…
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  • So he can visit my brother and his wife.  Young son is quite excited, Mommy is too, except for the…
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  • He was our favorite reporter for the local rag before he hit the big time and moved to the WaPo.…
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  • Wow, PD, that's how it's done.  As a member of your virtual congregation, I salute you. Now for the next…
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  • Sorry I've gotta miss this weekend-- I definitely think we need to meet on the 12th to finalize our action…
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