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    Used clothing can be taken to any Goodwill donation center-- just mention it is for the hurricane victims. Seton hospitals…
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  • Duranta, this has truly crossed over into the nightmare that just will not end. Godspeed to you, take courage from…
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  • I was out at the Freescale parking garage yesterday and today.  Yesterday-- steady stream of cars, large piles of clothing,…
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  • Booman, I wore my brand-new Booman Tribune t-shirt today while I shopped for supplies that I donated to (a) a…
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  • This sign is on Highway 317-- that road comes up from Moody, too. All these little highways-- so far, I've…
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  • is what's on the reverse side-- as you're leaving town (and shaking the dust off your feet), it says (paraphrasing)…
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  • Nag, this is an excellent observation. In mulling over my time in Crawford yesterday, I realized that the poor, misguided…
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  • Brian, you are so right about this impression. Driving through town yesterday, I felt nervous, even though I knew there…
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  • Supersoling, I was there too-- and you've summed the experience up beautifully.  (I think I even saw the roses lady…
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  • Frederick, is it accurate to refer to these people (whom we either are or are not trying to label) as…
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  • I was perusing some of the relevant threads the other evening on the EPM site, but I couldn't really follow…
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  • I clicked right away, hoping Susan would have some HOT * HOT * PIX * to share.  Oh, darn, just…
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  • I've been to Finland a couple of times, and I loved the food! Most of the meals I enjoyed were…
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  • It's 4th of July, after all-- what's a hot dog without relish?
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  • I've read and heard quite a bit about Diamond lately-- it's good to have even the far-right expressing disgust with…
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  • He does not normally attend worship, contrary to the sanctimonious image he attempts to portray.
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  • Thanks, Winter Patriot-- I've printed off a couple of the one-pagers, will look for good drop-off locations around town tomorrow.
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  • "Hey, Karl, are YOU on the menu?"
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  • Saw Rove described this way in comments a little while ago-- sorry, didn't write down the commenter's name. Karl--he's a…
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  • That's one of my favorites, and not very well known. It pulls together information on a person from throughout the…
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