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    But if he mounts the challenge he promised Tuesday night, Democratic leaders should react just as swiftly and decisively, and…
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  • "The boss wants to help. Whatever we can do, we will do." If you really want to help Joe, the…
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  • My favorite line from the first comment: the local new england republican infrastructure has become arrogant, elitist, incestuous and morally--and…
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  • What kind of voting machines do they have in Connecticut?  Other kinds of cheating shouldn't theoretically be a problem in…
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  • "It mirrors what has happened with the Republican Party, where one issue --such as abortion -- is paramount in defining…
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  • I think dismissing the Iraqi army was the biggest mistake the US made in Iraq.  The militias we are worried…
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  • In theory, if protecting Israel is our primary goal in the region, then supplying and training the Lebanese army so…
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  • Conversely, the more they unify around the antiwar position, the greater their likelihood of recapturing at least one house of…
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  • ...the Senate needs collegial moderates who work across party lines. It's the only way to stop the really bad stuff.…
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  • Not surprised at all, Reid's gambit was a triumph of appearance over substance.  There is no way this report is…
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  • You have to trust your President in a time of war. I think Republicans are aware they need better spin…
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  • According to Richard Thompson, at least.  On the other hand, I'm pretty sure God doesn't think much of holier-than-thou rich…
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  • Will he really get us a step closer though?  Richard Shelby was a Dem when he was first elected because…
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  • David Frum: we are re-enacting the errors committed in Indochina in the 1960s and 1970s, every single one. Speak for…
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  • From the first excerpt: (Neocons) have warned that Iran has been exploiting Miss Rice's inexperience and incompetence to accelerate its…
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  • It concerns me that Daily Kos and Markos are consistently the measure of the entire blogosphere. It concerns me when…
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  • I rather like the "Golden Rule" as a guiding concept . . . Israel has shown us for 60 years…
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  • Civilians are the main target. How do you know who they're targeting?  If civilians were the "main target", the level…
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  • I agree with Marek that it isn't genocide because there doesn't seem to be an intent to kill civilians.  It's…
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  • I think "Sunny Nobility" is the name Matthews uses when he makes transvestite videos, though I have no idea why…
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