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    I don't remember any personal attacks beyond a little gratuitous name-calling (which you can think of as a tribute, given…
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  • I personally am looking forward to Rohrabacher "proving" that white supremacist terrorists were funded by muslims.  I wonder how the…
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  • But this is what I'm basing my possibly irresponsible speculation on.  I looked at Armando's comments for the last few…
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  • I'm not sure why he's bothering to have a GBCW diary at all. I would bet money that Armando will…
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  • If they did, then good for them.  I'm not sure it changes much for the better either, but it can't…
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  • That's one way of putting it.  Using BooMan's fight analogy, I would say that he always talks shit at the…
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  • I went to dKos read his diary after you mentioned it, and agree with the poster who said it was…
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  • This is hilariously funny given some of the horrific things Bolton has said about the UN over the years.  The…
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  • Look at the Associated Press.  They gave Solomon an award for bringing them so much attention on the Reid boxing…
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  • I don't believe anything fundamentalists do is compassionate.  It's all about spreading their mental disease to as many people as…
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  • I guess I was right about Alabamians being embarrassed to admit to a pollster that they're voting for a woman.…
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  • You should have seen Siegelman 25 years ago.  We had a string of almost-progressive Attorney Generals in the late '70s/early…
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  • Busby has scared the Republicans into spending millions defending what should be one of their safest seats.  I agree with…
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  • A Siegelman victory could be seriously embarrassing for the party, since he is currently on trial for corruption and stands…
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  • I was driving my grandmother back from a doctor's appointment in Birmingham a few years ago, talking about Roy Moore…
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  • I guess that god must really be a Yankees fan How can you doubt it, since he sent his favorites…
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  • I'm guessing this isn't a draft thread?
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  • targeted by fundamentalist organizations Stealing ideas from Scientologists is a good way to end up in hell.
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  • To Tony Snow and his ilk, gays aren't real people, they're nothing better than animals.  The same applies to brown/yellow…
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  • It is clearly red meat for the base.  The problem is that they don't have the votes to actually give…
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