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    As others have pointed out elsewhere, when you parse the actual language Bush used, he isn't so much apologizing for…
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  • We should be having a national debate over the next few weeks on whether this is really how we want…
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  • I do all of the chores so it has nothing to do with trash.  I think she believes that she…
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  • I have at least a dozen half-loaves of bread, Grandma puts it in the freezer as soon as it starts…
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  • I would guess right after the 2008 election.  Respected leaders like BooMan still think it is possible to reform the…
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  • Admittedly, your brother sounds impressive, but you do have this site so I don't think you have any need to…
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  • If there has been a massive betrayal and dereliction it occurred in response to Feingold's censure motion. I agree with…
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  • I read Greenwald earlier and tried not to repeat what he said.  As for unwinnable, who wants to support people…
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  • I'm way past upset, I am to the point of giving up completely.  The waterboard answer was so far beyond…
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  • I agree that it's essential to fight for freedom of the press if you have any hope left for this…
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  • Where is the NY Times?  They didn't have any problem writing dozens of editorials supporting Judy Miller's right to repeat…
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  • My advice would probably have been similar as far as where to focus the money, but I think Lamont had…
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  • I found this on Colin McEnroe's blog, written before the convention: Markos Moulitsas Zuniga - Daily Kos to you -…
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  • Why would the situation in Iraq suddenly improve now?  Are any of these various factional groups fighting to help this…
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  • Lieberman said he believes Lamont will hurt other party hopefuls if he continues his battle for the congressional seat. What…
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  • It should surprise no one that he will be running a negative smear campaign against Lamont. It isn't surprising.  What…
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  • You call them crooks, they think of themselves as nobility, immune from laws the peasants must follow.  Crooks is far…
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  • I especially love the 33%.  I read the other day that Lieberman was predicting Lamont would get 30%, thus trying…
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  • I'm scared too, no one in a position of power seems to recognize publicly how extreme this administration.  However, the…
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  • If there was any justice in the world, Hastert would lose his re-election campaign this fall just for saying something…
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