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    They're going to rig the vote.  Even though they have never done it on the scale they're going to have…
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  • Hopefully, but the Air Force will follow orders when the time comes and I don't think the administration really cares…
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  • I think air strikes against Iran are inevitable, because the Administration is foolish enough to think this would be a…
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  • I completely agree that the chance of getting away with rigging elections this time is slim, too many people and…
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  • Very much better, the vet saw him at two weeks and was surprised he had lived that long.  I guess…
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  • I have some semi-positive pet news, my deformed kitten actually stood up straight for a few seconds yesterday.  His rib…
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  • We still elect our President, and he doesn't have unfettered power, though Bush is trying to change both of those.…
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  • (leaving the impression that Conyers is a radical) Conyers is a radical, which is a sad thing for our country.…
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  • I also say Biden earlier saying that "everyone" opposes Hayden (the specific example he used was a first responder group).…
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  • Juan Williams just went off on Mara Liaasen for trying to paint the scandal culture as bi-partisan.  He cited Coburn…
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  • Thanks for the heads-up.
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  • Thanks for the heads-up.
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  • I agree in theory, but they don't have the guts to be against unpoular wars because they're afraid they won't…
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  • Of course, the most important point is that even when it works it doesn't work as well as actually standing…
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  • when CNN's chief dunce tries to figure out why Porter Goss just got shit-canned from his job at the CIA…
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  • I just dont' get the sense that this was a long-planned move. It has a sense of urgency and surprise…
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  • among the 10 or 20 most evil humans now alive on the planet Remember, Hayden is in charge of reading…
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  • Biltud quoted this from Free Republic: CIA Director Goss Resigns after Non-Stop INTERNAL CIA ATTACKS by Democrat Plants Anyone want…
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  • I think Goss is abandoning the administration to start a cat shelter for all of the felines he plans to…
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  • Per Dana Priest on MSNBC, something serious appears to be her article in tomorrow morning's Washington Post.  Let's see how…
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