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    I was last in New Orleans 13 months ago so my recommendations wouldn't be up-to-date.  I assume from what I…
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  • I think he should be banned. I think he has never used a computer in his life, so he probably…
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  • That was one of the weirdest statements I have ever heard. The White House was supposedly reacting to the news…
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  • Also worrying is a corollary to your question: If the administration isn't doing anything wrong, why are they so secretive…
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  • What often goes unstated is how pointless most of this is.  I live in the middle of nowhere in Alabama.…
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  • As I mentioned in the last thread, the author of the USA Today piece was on CNN this morning and…
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  • I was watching CNN an hour or two ago and Miles O'Brien asked the author of the USA Today piece…
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  • I don't read as many diaries as I should, which is a fault of mine rather than the writers.  Street…
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  • I have a warning for Howard Fineman: your head has been up Karl Rove's ass so long you're in serious…
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  • Congress is just trying to pass on their wisdom and experience to other branches.  Failing to provide oversight is the…
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  • My response is still "Fuck You".  Your response is much better than mine.  I agree that it would make a…
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  • We see life as a cooperative enterprise, Republicans see it as competitive.  If the little babies' parents can't pay for…
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  • Besides which, I have discovered that once you let go of the anger all that is left is sadness and…
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  • one of the chief rebuttals I've seen to my column is that the lefty blogs aren't actually all that lefty.…
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  • They don't have any choice but to lower their standards.  Who else would volunteer for military service after 5+ years…
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  • Supporting the troops by any definition other than the extreme wingnut version doesn't include supporting this kind of behavior from…
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  • It ain't working for the folks on the Gulf Coast and in Florida preparing for another hurricane season Hell, I'm…
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  • If I find a link I'll post it.  I don't think I read it in an article, I believe someone…
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  • It might not be true, but it definitely was Bush sent to the U.K., I think at 13, to stay…
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  • Didn't Bush actually meet Blair as a pre-teen/teenager?  I remember some story about a summer in Ireland and I think…
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