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    It's gonna happen, the question is when?  And who is going to be made the scapegoat? For all we know,…
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  • Sarcasm noted!  And, from a few other links that I have, there's a hell of a lot more!  Think DF…
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  • What a bunch of crap--there is $ for surveillance, the invasion of Iraq, corporate welfare under a new name and…
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  • xposted at dkos amd mlw
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  • That article that you linked to is perfect for another diary that I've been getting info on!!!  
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  • Glad you linked to it.  Holy crap!
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  • Thanks for the very important link--more info re:  impact of Medicare D(isaster). 🙂
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  • I'm George Bush, the president of the United States Naw, he just repeats it in the hope that people will…
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  • Good links...good diary!
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  • Yeah, if they don't need their earthly possessions, hell, I'll take 'em.  BTW, I've run into a couple of them.…
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  • After the rx companies raise the price!
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  • Medicare D, Walmart and insurance companies...here
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  • xposted at dkos and My Left Wing
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  • I never get rid of books, even the ones that I have already read and re-read.  Learned that lesson the…
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  • It's a small town paper.  And the other paper that is trying to get started  in this town does pretty…
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  • It is a business deal:  US gets the oil fiels in Iraq after withdrawing and the UAE gets US ports.…
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  • Thanks.
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  • Poverty and Rising Health Care Costs  A subject that is often ignored.
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  • Makes me wonder if the person who wrote the article, didnt read this book first...:o) It wouldn't suprise me in…
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  • If there ever was any real danger of terrorism the government and business interests would not allow for these ports…
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