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    There is a Paradise, MI--in the UP--beautiful!!  And, there is also a Hell, MI.  Standing joke in the winter is…
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  • Was in Hawaii when I was in my teens.  And I really felt sorry for the native Hawaiians.  Seems to…
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  • And thanks to you and BooMan too.  My answer to Steven D applies to both of you also.
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  • Thanks Steven.  You know, that is one of the things that I like most about this blog--how everyone works on…
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  • Now xposted at dkos. Reccommendations appreciated. Thanks.
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  • dkos Recommends appreciated.  Thank you.
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  • What gets me the most is that people say take over the dems at the local level and then work…
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  • whether it was worth it or not comes down to where the balance lies...were my interests or the interests I'm…
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  • Exactly!  And I refuse to set myself up for another betrayl!
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  • The cost of the paperwork involved could be used to justify a single payer system...but the problem is that it…
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  • I hate typing anything when I realize that I have run out of cigarettes!  Unfortunately, I started smoking again. 🙁
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  • Thought it was just me!  But I usually type </a?
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  • if John Conyers and Pat Leahy were in charge of the judiciary committees instead of James Sensenbrenner and Arlen Specter.…
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  • it doesn't help when we run candidates that do not address their concerns about the cost of energy, health care,…
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  • Have an idea about that kicking around, not what you said specifically though.  Needs more time to jell before I…
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  • No one in the rest of the world gives much of a fuck whether or not we have universal health…
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  • And some would even suggest that it would be healthier for the country if more people did so. The voice…
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  • this one works
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  • You are putting an issue that is near and dear to your heart above all other considerations. SO IS MARCINKOWSKI!!!…
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  • Diary W/Links This one not in it though.  Had trouble getting the tags right so I said, "Screw it--they'll both…
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