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    Disagree:  The communications gap is the failure to realize that others have been hurt far worse.
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  • Having to pay a higher price and being able to afford to do so is not being hurt.  Being hurt…
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  • Dont take this post the wrong way, but I am actually not suprised at the latest turn of events re:…
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  • lol.  Know what you mean.  But, I was referring to the so-called leadership of this country, always pitting one group…
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  • Most of the Democrats do care. They say they do.  But, you wouldn't know it by   their votes on…
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  • The ADA is a joke now, as it has been repeatedly gutted by court decisions and used against people with…
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  • IMO, the democrats don't care either. I haven't seen anything from them to show otherwise.  IIRC, it was supersoling who…
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  • Thanks Steven, for such appropriate, conforting words.    
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  • This may seem a bit odd, but this is the third or fourth time that I have read this diary,…
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  • My reality is havng to live below the Federal poverty level while the dems keep saying wait.  I've waited long…
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  • None of us are going to get all our issues and wishes fully met, it just is not going to…
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  • You're right--damn  near impossible to tell the 2 apart, except when the dems try to con people.  why even bother…
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  • Joe, you know where I'm at. But, part of the problem is that what happens in 1 district doesn't happen…
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  • Also explains why there are so many attempts at "reforming"/preserving Medicare D(isaster) as opposed to completely overhauling it.
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  • Just remembered idredit's earlier diary. Democratic leaders, in a letter to Speaker Hastert, demanded a congressional investigation into the role…
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  • here
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  • xposted at dkos and mlw
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  • but temember, republicans don't have ethics!
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  • I really do think they are in big time trouble.  Tooooo much is coming out nowadays and I think ppl…
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  • Did you read that w/o feeling nauseous?
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