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    Give 'em enough rope...
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  • Because of the names that she mentioned, would that be a federal offense?
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  • What writing skills?
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  • all I did was read info unrelated to it...felt good
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  • Been posting regularly re:  Medicare D...took a break yesterday...was getting burned out on it...
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  • here re:  gwb and photo taken w/Abramoff: Asked about it at a news conference Thursday, Bush said, "There's thousands of…
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  • Did you catch this? diary links to Lansing State Journal Op-Ed which states * The program is a giveaway to…
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  • It means a lot to me.  I'm just going to read a bit, post comments if I feel like it,…
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  • and could have sworn it said "Aaron Burr"!   Thought wtf is he talking about...? Too much Medicare D and…
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  • I want to re-marry.
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  • So I didn't--just xposted what I had here at mlw and dkos-- I plan to link to it when I…
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  • When I was sure about getting my rx's.
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  • Yeah, I know that it appears that we're stuck with the damn thing.  Especially after reading about Byrd's cave-in, the…
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  • What a crock!  Sure as hell don't feel like doing anything now...I mean, I am in "why-bother?" mode.  Damn!
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  • FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • posted too fast Confusion over regulations in the Medicare law kept Randi Sanford, the woman with cystic fibrosis, from getting…
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  • Short and sweet.  This is happenning all over the county!
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  • That is exactly how I have been feeling.  Something's gotta give...
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  • Had that same problem myself in the past.  But, after driving all of the junks that I have had (can't…
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  • Check how your congresscritter voted and include that in your LTE!
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