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    Why the hell don't they just admit to caving in?  Jesus Christ,  tell the truth for once, and maybe, just…
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  • Understand what you are saying, but, the fact of the matter is that it is damn near impossible in this…
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  • Yup.  Neither does "give-'em-enough-rope-and-let-him-hang-himself."  
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  • Now I am wondering if the dems won't adopt populist values/ideas as a means of self-preservation/hanging on to their seats.…
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  • Hate to say it, but I agree with you.  The dems have lost their any respect from me they once…
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  • You're doing good, hon!  I'm still feeling a bit under the weather, but I'm taking it easy tomorrow.  Going online…
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  • This was it, for me: ..."Mr. President," one aide in the meeting said. "There is a valid case that the…
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  • The military is probably scared shitless.  Anything more than a feeble effort and gwb is so nuts he may push…
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  • I was a just a kid--take your word for it!
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  • BBC a strange-looking building alongside the headquarters of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organisation, in its spacious compound in north-central Tehran...the…
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  • Yeah, the civilian body count is, what's that phrase again?  Collateral damage?  Fucking justifiable when compared to the profits the…
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  • We're in the same damn spot, although I am in MI.  Hell things are just as bad here and getting…
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  • I fear a strike on Iran, to teach a lesson of consequences, has been carved. See that I'm not the…
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  • I'm stuck w/the damn Lions.  I call them the Liars, for obvious reasons!
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  • Hirosima and Nagasaki.  Who financed the rebuilding of Japan?  Remember the auto industry taking a dive?  The recession?  (As I…
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  • All the stuff we have done in the past. Going back to history now--it didn't work in Vietnam.  
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  • Asshole has us between a rock and a hard place now. We'll have to come through the fire first...or not.…
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  • Agree w/numediaman on this one.  Gotta go for lifetime on this!  See above post re:  changes in FOIA.
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  • Remember the changes in the FOIA? there have been complaints by news organizations that     that too much is…
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  • there is some gdamn formula for the states to "pay back" to the federal government all that fucken money they…
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