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    Kept re-reading your post until it sunk in.  Now that it has, everything has scared the hell out of me!…
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  • I have cats and I spoil them rotten--if I don't, one of them uses the bathtub as a litterbox and…
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  • Think you mean Satan?
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  • Here's another one:  Repeal that goddamn Patriot, oops, I mean FACIST Act!
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  • Found this one.   German intelligence agents reportedly helped US forces target Saddam Hussein in an April 2003 Baghdad bombing…
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  • Numbers!!  Numbers!!  Numbers!!!!!!  All just abstract concepts that don't mean a damn thing when compared to human beings/rights!  What really…
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  • Yeah, but what better way to drum up support for all this shit?  Fucking brainwashing!!
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  • about brain functioning was held!
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  • Can you believe this one? Iran threatened Friday to end surprise inspections and other cooperation with the U.N. nuclear watchdog…
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  • Caught a bit of that one, but thanks!!
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  • If you think you own the most dense head on the planet, think again--I had the exact same thought!
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  • Or that of someone you are pissed at!  (I got a mean streak, don't I?)
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  • Mr. Santorum, R-Pa., received $145,946 from lobbyists in the period from the start of the 2006 election cycle through Oct.…
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  • Had a doctor tell me that my traumatic brain injury (tbi) was all in my head...not the kind of thing…
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  • And did you notice it's not one of the big maven "MSM" reporters doing the true investigative digging here, keeping…
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  • Get a bj from a woman other than his wife???
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  • I still say US should get the fuck out of there.  IMO, all that is really going on is a…
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  • I don't know wtf to believe anymore!!!  There's just too much shit going on at once, I can hardly keep…
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  • Wheels within wheels.  Fuck!
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  • Here's my suggestion: Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United…
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