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    Dem party leaders couldn't see this coming so they could "cash in" maybe not this year, but sooner. dems have…
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  • We know that if one, or one issue is expendable, then we all are. Oh, I know that, believe me,…
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  • If you want to know the truth, I am ready to give up on all of the writing/work that I…
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  • The "burden" phrase that I used has long been the unspoken implication of society, and has gone further in gwb's…
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  • Tell me about it.  And do you know that the irony is?  Who is doing the most writing on Medicare…
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  • When groups such as women, gays, minorities are denied rights we are all diminished. This is just a personal opinion:…
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  • Neither do I.  Any type of disability is pervcieved as being useless or a burden on society.  People/Entities are getting…
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  • that SSD/I benefits must be increased!  
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  • I live on SDD/I and I, personally, would love to receive the same amount and have the better health care…
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  • (That 2 diary limit got to me, especially when I was feeling motivated yesterday--in one of my writing moods.) Previously…
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  • The way that I was raised.  My dad's influence--Mom thinks I'm nuts. I write about Medicare D(isaster) because I feel…
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  • I can't even finish reading this one.  How the hell do you manage to write about it and stay sane?
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  • Shit!
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  • It goes in cycles.  There are also times we are motivated.  It all balances out, right?
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  • Third party.
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  • Although I have no legal background, the little that I do   know/have read about this appears to be in…
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  • LOL!  Going to check that one out as well!
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  • Nice! Recommended as well.  Here's   mine, from a completely diffent angle!
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  • xposted at MLW Wonder if that is why the cost of rx's have increased so dramatically?
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  • There is some great info in here.  I have firsthand experience of what is being described by the "diagnosis". Being…
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