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    the point is cheney/bush made some bold moves/decisions-- just that unfortunately they were based on motives/agenda which were again all…
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  • Totally agree. The really disappointing thing with Obama, and I've said this since 2007-- "I'm voting for Obama, but this…
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  • If he and his subordinates were held responsible for what they did, we wouldn't have to listen to his subordinates…
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  • CORRECT: it's always "we need MORE money, more technology, more staff" blah, blah, blah.. the COST of which ultimately is…
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  • Oh, yeah... that's right. LOL... we the sappy taxpayers are paying what? $45 BILLION per year on our "security" agencies..…
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  • let's face it: does Kristol work DIRECTLY or indirectly for defense industries? in other words the war-profiteers?
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  • WAIT... maybe they're onto something.. Hagel is out there stating today there is an increasing threat from our own people--…
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  • And... they could NOT stop two rubes from making pressure cooker bombs and wreaking havoc at a major U.S. sporting…
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  • Right.. One problem is armchair pundits don't know crap about politics. back before "blogs" were even invented, I was spending…
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  • Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Here's the thing: call me when your armchair activism saves the lives of thousands of people (seat belts and…
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  • LOL... so the self-inflicted LOSS by Gore in 2000 is to be forever blamed on Nader? weak, very weak.
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  • This is more or less moot, since our continuing crappy economy more or less guarantees a backlash against the democrats.…
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  • Another weak load: Granted, there are only about 70,000 Jews left in Ukraine now, and I'm sure that someone in…
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  • Shorter version of what you just said: "Stupidity is the disease of America". Norman Mailer
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  • It's not that these conservative, corporate arse-kissing politicians like HRC say anything to get elected, it's what they won't do…
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  • AND... why should I give a CRAP about that? seems like a rather stupid question, sorry to say... I wasn't…
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  • CORRECT: Mr Vidal is one of our greatest social/political observers, writers. I was sorry to see him pass not long…
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  • The fact that you, Sir, don't already know this; given the obvious signs (one being Ms Manning in prison, another…
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  • Helloooooooo? IF these claims regarding Mr Allen are true, then WHERE are the indictments? trial? conviction?
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  • Nope, that's not the point. I want the MUCH larger criminal organization fully prosecuted according the so called laws we…
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