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    It's a cull, not a purge - they go around with baseball bats and lumberjackets bashing the living daylights out…
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  • zander scores again.
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  • from BBC: Police in Birmingham are evacuating large parts of the city centre. A West Midlands Police spokesman said people…
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  • I have just completed stage one of my Vertical Reality sauna this lovely warm, some might even say sweaty, evening.…
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  • Under the heavily distorted news output of the government-controlled media in Soviet times, the Samizat flourished - 'newspapers' of real…
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  • I am proud to wear your badge of freak. We boreal dwellers must stick together.
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  • a black rook clattered loudly through the folds of my mind as the creeping cloudwarmh made the grass glow amber
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  • and can I just correct you? This photo is actually a still from the Aki Kaurismäki movie 'Aalto cowboys go…
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  • You report da bare facts. Proscuitto has nothing to do with it
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  • ..is not accepted sauna apparel, but may be used to enclose sausage to be heated on the 'stones'
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  • I will investigate the aforementioned 'host' and refer to previous elucidations on the placing of imagery within this forum. Bare…
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  • ....that in my enforced absence, photographs or representations purporting to be of my sauna have been published here. Let me…
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  • In due course - when I have mastered the mysteries of image posting and found an image posting site to…
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  • Let them claim! My sauna has naked people in it - and I know that will not be published.
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  • An expensive T-shirt (4 colour). More practical as a bumper sticker - though I still have this image in my…
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  • I see that belief and science can be different, though not incompatible. If I understand you completely, you think the…
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  • Ahem, Janet - not sure about the turban - certainly not standard Essene issue. And red hair is certainly not…
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  • welcome also from Finland. Note that the minority AlterNative thinkers greet you first 😉
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  • a) I was a bit embarrassed at my recent foul language episode - until I saw, the next day, a…
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