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    Your second example (with a little better anti-aliasing around the hindlegs) is IMHO a powerful image for the audience at…
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  • Sounds very much like the south-western region of Finland around Turku (Åbo) on or around 9th July. Apart from the…
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  • Moff, while some here might take offence at your personalized description of Miller's peccadillos and modus operandi in an earlier…
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  • Vegemite/marmite are similar yeast extracts. Lots of riboflavin and full B vitamins. We indoctrinate quite young babies by putting a…
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  • I AM ALWAYS at a loss on sporty boat's. Tis galley slave for me.  But I did get married on…
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  • I thank you, kind sir. The environment is truly stunning. I can bring some  new ways to smoke flounder. If…
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  • You are right -  in a historical context. Summer, then, was alive. Winter was DEAD. To survive you had to…
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  • You have every right to object personally, but no right to object semantically. You endorsed P so you are stuck…
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  • Figuratively. What you describe as your life is very attractive, We could could all learn a thing or two. I…
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  • In Britland we eat Marmite on our toast. I imported it to Finland. My daughters demand it. B12 on a…
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  • You don't happen to have a spare bunk round your place , do yer?
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  • tsiisus - we're all ex-hippies here..
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  • Now, that was honest....
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  • Well, I've always said that if anyone ever forced me to choose a religion, it would be a toss up…
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  • You're my main man goose. Those pictures of Puget Sound just drive me crazy...
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  • Tsiisus Andrew, other people would make a whole book out of what you just said. Great summary!
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  • Just about normal for these parts, then, ey?
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  • Sounds good to me! Shalom why I feel as though I'm the only one who doesn't know the rules by…
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  • This gets my only 4 here 😉
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  • (this Shirl brain does not contain starch) Bombes de Terre to you, sweetie!
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