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    good work zander
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  • According to the game I am dead already.
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  • I'd just like to apologize for wandering round without a towel early this morning. I came for a sauna and…
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  • When I lived in town a friend would come to my apartment door and put his face right next to…
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  • Now wait unitl I give the word......Who threw that?
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  • You are partly right, they are historical  and you need to be steeped in the historical context to get the…
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  • ...when I was nest building, I subscribed to Mother Earth News, lived in the forest, got water from a well…
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  • Right - that is how I've always referred to him. Or then just Bush.
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  • ( I hope Diane doesn't see me creeping over to the right margin) I understand well that the MTV gen…
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  • Bro - I find carpentry one of the most meditative and calming activities. The smell of fresh cut wood, the…
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  • The lake is a crisp 20C - a little goosepimply, but very refreshing. You will note that you cannot see…
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  • Our former company motto: "Your pleasure is our business" But we have recently replaced it with: "fast, cheap, good -…
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  • John Mills, Alec Guinness - directed by David Lean. 1946 Complete your cinematic education by seeing it 😉 along with…
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  • Kiitti - a slang form of kiitos = thanks. Dude hasn't made it to Finland (kiitos jumalalle) Jokes? I simply…
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  • Magwitch frightened the bejesus out of me when I was young
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  • Barry Manilow Lyrics - Copacabana Her name was lola, she was a showgirl With yellow feathers in her hair and…
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  • My apologies for the racket, but I'm building a sauna over there behind the bar, with a deck out over…
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  • That because breast feeding is maybe over 95%, it is usually the mother that takes all the main leave.
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