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    Go tell the DKos system you've forgotten your password.  It will email you a new one that's random.  Use it…
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  • I could pass for a stockbroker most days, but the next protest event I attend, I'm putting on the buttless…
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  • I agree.  Fuck Markos.  He's been moved "to apathy" by the massive, international protests of last weekend? I don't know…
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  • Anyone watch C-SPAN?  I can't get it through the firewall at work. Let me guess..."I can't comment on an ongoing…
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  • Now that's a perp walk I'd like to see!
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  • Is it wrong to not want to do business with this woman or help her out financially because of her…
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  • So true.  I spent the weekend talking to people about Referenda C & D. If an alternative to Bill Ritter…
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  • What a nice site!  I eventually stopped reading BfA because the signal-to-noise ratio never improved.  I still read the blog…
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  • That's a great speech I'd never heard before.  Thanks very much, I found parts of it very apropos.
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  • Thanks for the advice.  That's about all I can do anyway--keep coming up for air when necessary. I'm about ready…
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  • I played with my son all evening yesterday, made sweet love to Ms. Ubikkibu, and got a good night's sleep.…
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  • Dollars pry the political process away from progress. Every argument I ever make that touches on these topics eventually comes…
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  • You're so right--you have to click that image to buy one, but it's highly non-obvious that's a necessary step.  Glad…
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  • Yes it does work--the "referer" HTTP header or URL parameter that lets the ad owner know you clicked is intact…
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  • is nearly reason enough to move to Portland.  And then there's the sushi, and the ocean, and mountains...
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  • has begun.  I look forward to our power struggles.  ðŸ™‚
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  • at this little company with ten employees called DoubleClick.  "Banner ads on the web?  You guys are sick," is basically…
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  • If we can't sideline her candidacy we are worthless. Agreed, and I accept your challenge.  Stop Hillary and win back…
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  • Hey, are you in BC?  I had a lovely time in Vancouver last week. I participated in one of the…
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  • But I'm sure you know where I'm coming from.  I'm not new to this--I've been holding my nose in the…
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