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    If only that were true.  Instead, the bible thumpers breed like rabbits.  Human evolution, if it continues at all, has…
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  • Brinnaine, I just wanted to say that I love what you write here.  I'm still clueless about the recent scuffles,…
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  • I disagree.  Rove being frogmarched would obviously be cathartic for us, but would also represent the beginning of criminal indictments…
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  • to miss all the fights around here?  I spend lots of time at BMT, really I do.  And you know…
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  • You're right of course.  And clearly Allard's vicious supporters believe that torture has another purpose: revenge. But if we can…
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  • The Shining is one of my favorite movies (I love Kubrick, who doesn't?), and I hate Hollywood feelgood shlock.  That…
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  • over at a local blog last week, when I posted simply that "Wayne Allard Supports Torture."  (A similar headline appeared…
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  • Really?  I don't watch many movies, and had a passing negative impression of Ben Affleck as just another self-absorbed actor.…
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  • for having discovered David Strathairn, an excellent actor. We were going to see either this or Serenity tonight, and your…
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  • I came here because Daily Kos had become a dysfunctional and intolerant place.  I stayed because I found a thoughtful…
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  • Here's one vote our new DLC overlords aren't getting.
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  • This time of year in Colorado, we routinely have: High 74 Low  30 or sometimes an even wider spread.  The…
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  • but really could be better.  (Do we both live in Boulder?) I do give him major props for signing on…
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  • While I'd obviously prefer Salazar to Allard (I'd better--I knocked on enough doors for him), never forget that Ken Salazar's…
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  • Emma, we had an interesting "debate" at the normally useless Colorado Pols site today.  Check it out if you're game--we…
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  • New York is on Ernie!
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  • Seems to suggest that Homeland Security considers this threat less than credible. Sadly, with this corrupt administration, you have to…
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  • Where did you get the "baby carriages" from?  I found a general article at the NYT but it doesn't mention…
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  • At the 11th hour, right?  [ducks head]
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  • catnip, that plan makes so much sense.  It could never happen here. What's it like to live in a country…
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