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    BooMan, you've written the first recent Plamegate diary I have actually understood from start to finish.  For that, I bow…
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  • your priorities.
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  • Or else anna from philly will hear you.  ðŸ™‚
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  • I'm sure it gets to be a drag doing the same thing for so long.  Please take a break if…
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  • specific softwood lumber types, you're ok for now.
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  • I've gotta go lie down in my bunk now.  (With apologies to Jayne from Serenity).
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  • Talk about projecting, yeesh. [insert smiley here]
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  • I assume.
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  • on whether the church is rabidly against women, or just vehemently.
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  • Just continuing the spirit of sharing.  ðŸ™‚
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  • Next you'll tell me there's no Tooth Fairy.
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  • What happened to the real reporters from the last few days?
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  • Defined as: hogging all the air time in Philadelphia?
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  • He really wouldn't say Chimpy has Rove's back? Wow, maybe the "jitters" thing has real legs.  If they let Rove…
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  • I love pie.  Not nearly as much as I love smart, liberal women, though. Ooops, hi honey.  Yes, I'm going…
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  • it's going to be the words "Poor Impulse Control" on my forehead. But seriously, I'm not pierced or scarified in…
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  • Oh, I totally agree.  We have several issues that Democrats could lead on nationally, supported by enough of a polling…
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  • I can't stop giggling when I read a "Jitters in the White House" story.  This is the meme, people: the…
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  • Ok, ok.  I had more coffee and re-read both things.  We're all in agreement. Um, unless that's a bad thing…
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  • Really?  Cause then I'm with you.  But I read RenaRF's writing differently--I thought she was calling for an insurgency of…
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