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    At the macro level, Americans now set aside nothing.  They immediately spend everything they make. Wingers who even acknowledge this…
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  • Peace and Love. Copy and paste this to light your own candle: <img src="http://www.jsoucy.org/iraq/images/candle_flame_1.gif" height="68" width="52" />
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  • I have signed the pledge.  I'm sure many of you have, too. Therefore, I will no longer support any Democrat…
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  • The assholes who run their SUVs' engines in the parking lot, simply so they can cool the cab from 75…
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  • you're picking the guy who thought this joke was funny enough to tell the crowd at a Republican fundraising event…
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  • I had to vote for Guiliani.  He's a bad guy, but I remember a different man...the former squeaky-clean, crime-fighting Attorney…
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  • I'm a big Fantasy and SciFi reader, although my wife puts me to shame.  I'll download this and take it…
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  • I would relish the contiuing spectacle of Miers and the Chimperor flailing as much as anyone, so if it plays…
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  • Shall I find some Joan Baez albums to play while we all get stoned?? That's my Friday night in a…
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  • Conyers is smart enough to realize he's dealing with authoritarians at the orange site.  Undoubtedly much of the subsequent commentary…
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  • From the New York Times today: Representative Tom DeLay was in court today to face his prosecutor and arch-enemy, Ronnie…
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  • nonviolent civil disobedience is the way we have to go Indeed.  Our elected Democrats--with a few exceptions--aren't doing anything to…
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  • Thank you, RubDMC, for being our continuing conscience. If you would like to light a candle in your comment, copy…
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  • Good job ABC! Faking the union bug is major.  Look for Arnold's tepid support among union workers to evaporate completely,…
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  • I'll buy a cheesecake for the first person to get BooTrib mentioned on the cable news blog roundups. Oh, that's…
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  • I'm not privileged enough to know for sure, but my guess is you're packing a fire hose. Rhetorically speaking, of…
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  • Wayne Allard was an obscure reference, and I'm the first to say that's a good thing.  But the minimum wage…
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  • That's an even better story! Wayne Allard is Colorado's evil Senator.  He was glad to endorse a $28,500 pay raise…
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  • Ha!  You two are great. My son has learned through trial and error that he won't be scolded for using…
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  • of desperation.  I'm sure he was coached to do whatever he could to make it not look like a mug…
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