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    Democrats should gently start asking questions, based on Bush's statement about Miers' religious beliefs, as to her qualifications while feeding…
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  • Not planning on Kostoberfest, although it sounds groovy.  I hope someday soon I can meet some fellow BMT'ers...maybe at a…
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  • Wow, I didn't realize he was that old.  Still, he looks spry, and it wouldn't be that far out of…
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  • And I forgot to say that I agree with you: the lack of qualifications and cronyism are stronger themes.  I…
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  • but I'm just not sure we win by not addressing it head-on.  The theocracy has crept upon us already, and…
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  • Republicans running a perceived moderate is what scares me.  We won't have Bush to run against directly, and while you…
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  • To: Bonddad From: Grover Norquist Re: My beating Dear Mr. Bonddad: I appreciate your kind letter. Should we ever meet…
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  • I'm a bit confused.  Bush has said he basically picked her because she's part of an approved church, wink wink.…
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  • Yes, I think too many of them are not doing their jobs.  I think that there were only a few…
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  • and I love Code Pink.  Everything they do puts a smile on my face.
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  • Grover Norquist says the deficit is a meaningless number!
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  • Screw the politics of it.  I want to see Senate Democrats do their job, and I mean all of them.…
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  • I've always cut my hair this way.  And I like to decorate myself with magic marker.  Yeesh.  It's like being…
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  • sell my house on EBay.  Welcome to the new economy! I don't think many Republicans see Bush as fiscally responsible…
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  • strategy is that we run a Democrat everywhere, every time. Not a progressive Democrat necessarily, but a Democrat.  Especially in…
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  • of locating ten things in our house with different countries of origin.  It was very easy: Made in USA was…
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  • to Edwin, Caitlin and Devlin. I opposed this war from well before it began, and I am working very hard…
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  • Wow, that was weird.  Phew, I'm back now.  Wonder where I went? Anyway, what I was trying to say is…
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  • I know where Dick "Dick" Cheney is. I was in Jackson Hole yesterday trying to get some mountain biking done,…
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  • I agree.  Apparently wartime photos of children make me cry automatically. Note: I am not advocating we bury the Democratic…
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