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    Imagine how the pie fights and hippie-bashing might have gone differently had Markos actually participated in any of the violent…
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  • but I don't like the answers I would give.
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  • Thank you, RubDMC. Copy and paste this to light your own candle: <img src="http://www.jsoucy.org/iraq/images/candle_flame_1.gif" height="68" width="52" />
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  • to a Bradley fighting vehicle and beginning a hunger strike, but I like your idea much better.
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  • This time it's not happening. We're not going to let it.
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  • Where?  Scotty mentioned him?  Or did he get some mike time, Chalabi-style? I'm getting really fucking creeped out here.  We…
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  • it still amounts to speculation, so don't get dejected--or excited--yet.
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  • And I'm printing flyers as we speak.
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  • has a time machine? So do tell!  What's happening?  I'm stuck in this cube, and our firewall hates streaming video.
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  • www.c-span.org works, but www.cspan.org gets "You have reached BUYCOM.  Our site is currently being remodeled..."
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  • Nick Kristof should stick to human rights reporting, where he has expertise and insight.  Every time he strays into more…
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  • I think the Coburn Amendment was well worth praising, and I had no qualms about calling "Democrat" Ken Salazar's office…
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  • and I think the healthy way recent flaps here have resolved themselves intelligently and amicably show that BMT is a…
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  • tell Nick Kristof he can bite my shiny metal ass.  Good thing no one reads the NYT editorial page any…
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  • in a comment about John McCain's mental state.  And I felt it was wrong while I was doing it, and…
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  • It's a "life voucher."  She can spend her money better than the government can.  It's teaching her to fish, not…
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  • Christian Parenting Magazine, which would be a treasure trove of inadventent humor to put Readers' Digest to shame, if only…
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  • was that the use of past tense in the first two quoted sections improperly gives an impression that this torture…
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  • "increase the coherence of policy." Seriously, I'm no economist.  The details of what he's discussing make sense, but I'm at…
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  • radio documentary on our local community station recently that analyzed why Colorado is so eager, statistically much more so than…
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