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    Now you did it.  I have to go hurl.  Shout at my shoes.  Hug the porcelain.  Deliver street pizza.
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  • and I meant it as a nudge, not an order. Your point about the blogosphere turning into commercial real estate…
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  • then it is, and you should acknowledge that and get control of it.  I am certainly guilty of compulsive blog…
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  • Now it's really killing me. If it's Rove and Libby, I'm taking the day off to get drunk.  Come on,…
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  • From JA's blog just now: I'm not going to be posting or blogging here any longer while working campaigns. There's…
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  • Several of us suggested you change the title, and you did.  It wasn't an edict. If you hadn't, I'd still…
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  • and I'm obviously no front-pager here, just another happy customer of this wonderful blog and its many viewpoints. Parker, thank…
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  • our flame.  And you can bogart anything you need to from me any time, Janet.  Peace.
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  • I am the proverbial broken record.  But if you want more straight shooters like Paul Hackett showing up as Democratic…
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  • is basically empty now, for the first time ever according to <u>The Nation</u&gt magazine. Parker, I think taking Jerome up…
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  • we still see Kissinger interviewed in public.  So there's precedent for inviting the devil into your livingroom.  And politely, too--Jon…
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  • DeBerry made several campaign-related appearances in Colorado Springs for the Chimperor.  I think one was with his neighbor, Dobson.
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  • That was the AFA?  I just heard the tail end of it on KGNU this morning. Why does Colorado have…
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  • Good luck with your blog. That's uncalled for. This is getting out of hand. I have little opinion about MyDD…
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  • an interviewee compared blaming Syrian government forces for Hariri's death to investigating the White House for complicity in our President…
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  • when we honor the fallen at local vigils. Copy and paste this to light your own candle: <img src="http://www.jsoucy.org/iraq/images/candle_flame_1.gif" height="68"…
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  • the humble editor of the Weekly Standard, was on The Daily Show last night.  Jon really handed it to him.…
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  • I like your analysis, and Fitzgerald ought to be given all the time he needs.  Ken Starr spent millions and…
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  • Who knows what to think?  It's getting more topsy-turvy as we near the deadline. My gut right now says that…
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  • Wednesday night at 6:30, join DFA, MoveOn, and TrueMajority for a candlelight vigil honoring the 2,000 soldiers who have died…
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