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    It's all Rove's fault man - I saw him do it... Drinks courtesy of Drinkalizer
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  • I've never heard of that before!!! I had to go look it up... apparently someone placed a loonie...(like this) under…
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  • In anticipation of the American public developing a serious contempt for missing white women, the navy has begun an extensive…
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  • sweetirish - I don't really know what to say and I can't imagine what you're going through, but your post…
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  • Great diary - thank you. I'm tempted to argue that the Bush administration understands all too well - but instead…
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  • Thanks - it was the 6 foot tall part that tweaked me... and the brand spanking new look - I…
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  • No -me too - jumping..... It doesn't look pretty though... 2 exhibits in Kentucky cross the line, Texas doesn't.... they…
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  • ...how pissed the fundies are - I'm pissed! The justices found that a six-foot granite monument on the grounds of…
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  • Glad you got some sleep...
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  • Well, I haven't used photobucket very much, and can't compare them - but I do like imageshack, and haven't had…
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  • <wince> ssshhhh - don't even speak the name...lord only knows what grievous harm he's managing to do while 'consulting' -…
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  • But he would need the Supreme Court to install him as emperor for life...or indefinitely delay elections for national security…
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  • We had a great conversation yesterday about pics and hosting over here - if you can handle a diary with…
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  • Well, I've been doing my part in directing people... I'm in Canada, and don't cross your border anymore... We get…
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  • You should probably go to bed... I'm all bad news this morning, up to my neck in it... (Glad you're…
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  • Iced latte?
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  • I'll be good and keep the margins in check. My theory is this - if I'm awake and wired on…
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  • Oh, that's so wonderful! I love Italy, but haven't spent nearly enough time there. <whimper> I'm jealous....
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  • <sing song> Hi Oui... I know you're in... here...
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  • Diane, what are you doing up at this hour???
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