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    I guess I wonder about it, because I never look for copyright... if I see copyright warnings, I'll move on,…
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  • You think I just fake this stuff though, huh? with Grand Marnier...here
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  • <glancing to the right> <to the left>....anyone? I don't know if I'd be up to it....
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  • Not to drag this on if everyone is over it, but I've found an interesting resource... Wikipedia has a page…
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  • I think it's a great topic for a diary.... I'm a big supporter of Creative Commons licensing, and hope it…
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  • oh - I noticed...and laughed at the perfect synchronicity. I'm loving CBC more and more all the time - I've…
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  • I spend way too much time here - it makes me a good match-maker sometimes...
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  • Winter Patriot... Whispering Campaign - sign up, start printing, and tell everyone....
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  • like bayprairie above - I was an early-napster adopter and I'm constitutionally unable to pay for anything digital - I'm…
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  • Well, in a way, it seems like copying and moving a pic to a hosting site would somehow be a…
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  • thinking about it now... I guess that the totally temporary and transient nature of a pic here has a lot…
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  • Even 'royalty-free', at least in terms of getty, has more to do with their licensed clients using images as part…
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  • Had I been here - I would have deferred to KatieBird - she knows her stuff.... and I'm glad this…
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  • oh yah - right there in the terms and conditions in language any not-a-lawyer human being can understand... Don't Do…
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  • <much shame> - I'm the worst offender around here, I think. google images provides the temptation... and I rarely restrain…
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  • sorry I'm so late to this party - I was off on another mission.. I use imageshack for some pics…
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  • Hi Diane... I think I'd rather know how many times BooMan or Andy has cursed 'that freak with the pictures'…
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  • I can sleep quite seriously....
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  • <rubbing eyes> alo? <bleary> did someone channel me?
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  • Too overwhelmed to really comment, but I wanted to let you know that your diary ... overwhelmed me...
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