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    OK, I was about to grumble quietly to myself about this very small diary... until I followed the links to…
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  • I've said it before, and I'll say it again... Those bastards are responsible for his murder even if he did…
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  • Yep...
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  • Oh, Oh, Oh - and here I've been trying to scrape together the pieces of frog scattered from one end…
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  • welcome back! and have fun on your vacation.. 9 years in entirely too long...
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  • Can I ask for a huge round of applause for the CBC??? Next week, they'll be airing The World According…
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  • I don't know whether you'll find this later, or never.. but I'm watching (yet another) great show on CBC, Indecently…
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  • I love your sig....
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  • Me too - URL of Sussex, URL of Shaftesbury?
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  • Something new everyday... it blows me away..
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  • I just found ezFolk Audio Hosting - but I don't know anything about it... you'll let us all know if…
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  • That plea for help turned into a very cool chat in a lot of ways.... extra hint? In photobucket you…
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  • Thank you. I haven't taken part in many of the more fun activities either, to tell you the truth. But…
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  • Ah, I see... I can live with that. So I need to get into the habit of hitting sticky I…
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  • Hi there, welcome back. It looks like your pets have the run of the place tonight, which has led to…
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  • Well, I haven't heard back from Drinkalizer, but isn't there a BT policy about commercial advertising in sig lines? and…
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  • Thank you - I wasn't looking in the post area...oh boy, and I'm not even drinking...
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  • I gotchyer french 75's....
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  • I've been wondering about bandwidth... Both of the logos that BrotherFeldspar has used today are hosted at imageshack.... they allow…
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  • BrotherFeldspar... You've inspired me to send off an email to my favorite on-line 'bar'. While I was digging around their…
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