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    Have a great time in Tulum - I was there earlier this year, only a mile or 2 further south…
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  • picky, picky... I thought about that, but my other options were a peach flavored version, a graphic 3 times the…
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  • hmmm.... better make that 2. Sorry for the shitty feeling - I find screaming into a sink full of cold…
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  • Hi there! It's always cocktail hour somewhere in the world.... I just showed up myself, how ya' doin'?
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  • Sounds like a very interesting game you'll have. Have fun!
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  • Yep - I'm a little late.... Diane - I'm so sorry to just disappear on you last night - my…
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  • I've had this page sitting on my desktop, wondering if I'd have to throw the link in... Balkanization <d'ja made…
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  • I was working hard on justifying just one single Karl Rove exception..... 'but someone capable of tweaking a desire to…
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  • 'old not new',  of course...  'old not young' never crossed my mind... <preparing to sprint away> Thanks for clarifying...
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  • up tip-jars. I've seen it mentioned here that tip-jars weren't common practice. Are there any old-timers who want to comment…
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  • ...you again ManEegee, for your navel gazing. That diary was a wonderful introduction to BT for me.
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  • ..enough repeats to nail it in a dozen attempts.. <whistling> I'm a' walkin' away now....
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  • I have an etymological dictionary on my shelf - and I reference it just for fun! Still couldn't top 7…
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  • Original answer - cool! that'll be fun!! final score = miserable second thought... I'll move on..
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  • ..all intestinal ailments... 7-Up... large quantities of 7-Up.
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  • Rummy - sometimes it's shrill, sometimes it's harsh... Israel - Do you agree with the statement, do you agree with…
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  • cspan 3 - steve israel just asked Rumsfeld about Rove's comments...
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  • (also posted at Eurotrib - sorry to bug you everywhere) Cheney on CNN
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  • A screen shot worth gloating over... Cheney on CNN
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  • it's not everyday that Rove is all over the news, and Rumsfeld is answering questions on cspan... sorry to just…
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