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    Dole - communications... comment on efforts to overcomes cultural barriers? Casey - great progress on translators ... additional 1,000 translators...…
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  • Dole - thanks, kudos - ad campaigns on Iraq TV - terrorism in the hands of justice - growing trend…
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  • Long and glowing report from the field being read. Email from soldier. Everything is hunky-dory.
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  • Byrd - I've asked this question from the beginning - what's this war going to cost? And I get a…
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  • Byrd - The american people are asking questions.... The american people haven't been told the truth. They haven't heard enough…
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  • Rumsfeld looks thoroughly disgusted. Byrd - The problem is we didn't ask enough questions at the beginning of this war…
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  • Byrd - Gonna' be careful `bout what we say. I been here a long time. .., ... I don't think…
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  • Ensign - to Abizaid - you're a big boy and been in tough positions before. I want to ask you....…
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  • Ensign - France has offered... some other countries have offered... we're doing huge amounts of training. But the question, how…
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  • Casey - If I need more troops, I'll ask for them. ... We're looking ahead to October, we're looking carefully.…
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  • Abizaid to Lieberman on troop strength.. Too much of a footprint in the region creates more resistance than people appreciate.
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  • Rumsfeld - agrees with almost every word out of Lieberman's mouth.
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  • including purpose and national destiny.... (lovely)
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  • Lieberman - citing the fucking bible!!!   Joshua and Caleb and the destiny they have....
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  • I was thinking the same thing...
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  • I'd like to interrupt this discussion of benchmarks with a link to Riverbend's latest post which talks about the growing…
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  • Myers - certainly not on this scale for 7 to 9 years... not in my mind.
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  • Are we looking at another 5 years? Myers - We don't know.
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  • Rumsfeld did earlier - they're all doing wonderfully, and 'deployment-ready' isn't an accurate way to look at it. He mentioned…
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  • Repudiate! I dare you Rummy!
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