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    Clinton's quoting
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  • Sessions - ... I don't believe you should resign... , ...this chart you've shown... (confidence polls in Iraq)... would you…
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  • Reed - Mr. Secretary - What can you do to bridge the credibility gap? .... Broken army? Rumsfeld - you…
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  • Casey - recent polling across Iraq - they want to vote on the constitution.. Myers -  Polling from 04 to…
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  • Rumsfeld - ...... I will say that the idea that what's happening over there is a quagmire is inconsistent with…
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  • Kennedy - quite frankly it puts an addition burden on all of us to get it right in Iraq. ..it…
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  • No, we were just muttering amongst ourselves in bood abides diary. I've been waiting on yours to be honest -…
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  • Thanks catnip. I just wanted to add that the prepared statements by Rumsfeld, General Myers, General Abizaid and General Casey…
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  • On c-span 3 now.
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  • I was wandering around the photo galleries at defense.gov looking for material... (thanks for that link)- being distracted from that…
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  • Kinda' off topic, but... Rumsfeld is live on CNN at the moment. Reading from the script now - don't know…
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  • Do a google image search - you'll see what I mean. I'm sorry if I seemed to disparage your favorite…
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  • The bar wench had every intention of filling your order... - but then she did a google image search for…
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  • I know that I learn something here everyday - but this is unexpected.... Tito's handmade vodka... who knew??  
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  • OK - I hate to admit it,.... but you've stumped the Canadian bartender! I have no idea what a tito…
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  • I don't know about my serving ability at the moment... somewhere upthread someone asked for Jameson. Without going into the…
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  • A six pack as apology. The bartender wasn't exactly awake at noon pacific time....
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  • Here I am... <banging headache> Vegas was a blast <lost it all> I'm back <looking for tips> Ya - I've…
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  • and welcome. I'm sorry you've been neglected in here for a while - the bartender <that's me> is still nursing…
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  • Warwick Valley Doc's Draft Hard Apple Cider? Thanks to you and your mom for the fighting nature - I'm younger…
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