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    Have I really begun to bug you yet? 🙂 You have got to stop taking credit for the fact that…
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  • I'm around, but ... oh, oh boy - that was traumatic... there's no way I could do that again -…
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  • Here's how they got me today... Oui Looking at Diane's diary with assignments, I'm not sure whether Second Nature would…
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  • LMAO - Perhaps I could have better phrased that as "the highly constructive conversation about the pervasiveness of sexualized imagery…
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  • Hi there. Welcome to Booman. ------- -------- um Oh, the pressure! I crumble under pressure! It's not a pretty sight…
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  • No idea. There was a time when B&J was available in the US, but not anywhere in Canada. It coincided…
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  • I just ate the whole thing...
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  • dry frogs
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  • It's nice to see you're no longer lurking. To tell you the truth, I would be a completely grumpy, tired…
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  • See a couple of days ago I would have had absolutely no freakin' idea what you were talking about, but…
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  • Our most recent members, please come forward and take a bow... 1501- bluebear 1502- ed 1503 - katiebird - nice…
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  • Nanette - would it be creepy if I just followed you around here for a while to soak up your…
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  • up to 1508 right now.
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  • Oui, I'm almost scared to say it out loud
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  • uh, oh - would you mean Buffy as in Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
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  • My first thought was  - if MsAmericanPie shows up at this party with the video - heads are gonna' roll.
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  • Please feel free to come over to the next Welcome Wagon if you feel like hanging out and mingling.
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  • Please feel free to come over to the next Welcome Wagon if you feel like hanging out and mingling.
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  • Please feel free to come over to the next Welcome Wagon if you feel like hanging out and mingling.
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  • we may have decided not to hate each other - and look what happened.... <lordy> Alan - it depends on…
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